Creative Drawing, Painting and Puppet Making Camp
Monday July 14 - Friday July 18, 2025
Time: 9:30am - 1:00pm Ages 8-13 Fee: $350 (EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Sign up and pay by Feb 14th to receive 10% off!) Let your child’s creativity channelize into artistic endeavors! The participants will work in a small group and learn the skills that enable them to translate their creative imagination into visual form. They will explore the fundamentals of art making (line, form, color, depth and perspective) and create one artwork each day. They will discover new methods of working with a wide range materials - color, fabric, clay, cardboard, beads, foil, wires, wood and much more. Through demonstration and hands on practice the students will also learn to manipulate and combine different material together to design and construct at least two unique puppets of their own to take home! For inspiration they will be introduced to works of master artists Picasso, Alexander Calder, Paul Klee Lyonel Feininger who pursued toy-making along with their broader art making practices that celebrate limitless imagination and childlike exploration! Instructors – Preeti Singh and Mickey Waring |
Nature Drawing, Journaling and Printmaking Discovery Camp
Monday July 21 - Friday July 25, 2025
Time: 9:30am - 1:00pm Ages 8 - 13 Fee: $350 (EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Sign up and pay by Feb 14th to receive 10% off!) Let you child discover and appreciate the beauty in nature! Participants will study the colors, textures, shapes & patterns in nature. They will learn how to derive abstract shapes from these observations and create balance, interest & visual stability in design. Each day will begin with 30 minutes of drawing exercise, followed by working in diverse media – charcoal, graphite, acrylics, watercolors and tempera. In the 2nd session (after snack time) participants will explore Printmaking technique to create one-of-a-kind printed artwork from their original drawings! They will work with variety of transfer techniques and understand how ink, paint, paper and printing press interact to create artistic impressions. They will learn about the additive and reductive ways to develop an image on a printing surface/plate. For inspiration students will be introduced to the works of famous artists who used printmaking as a medium of artistic expression - Rembrandt, Edvard Munch, Henri Matisse, Marc Chagall, and Andy Warhol to name a few. They will also be making art journalling books to compile all of their ideas and beautiful artworks! Instructors: Preeti Singh and Mickey Waring |